



air:~ user$ /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw -h
usage: /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw [-c] [-w] 
[-d] [-l] [-T] [-U] [-B] [-L] [-a listen or accept] [-s file to sign] 
[-v file to verify] [-p pid to write] 
firewallapp is used to control Application Firewall socket filter.
The command takes the following options that are evaluated in order, 
and several options may be combined:
 -h        display this help and exit
 -t app    set trusted app, e.g. -t app1 app2 app3
 -i        dump socket filter internal data info
 -d        turn on debugging
 -l        do logging and run in daemon mode
 -k        kill daemon
 -a        ask when listen or accept, ask "accept" or ask "listen"
 -s file   sign file
 -v file   verify file
 -c        check file