

Cocoa Packet Analyzerなかなか使えるね


CPA - Cocoa Packet Analyzer
Cocoa Packet Analyzer is a native Mac OS X implementation of a network protocol analyzer and packet sniffer. It is able to do basic network capturing, filter packets, analyze and display pcap files. CPA uses libPCAP for reading packet trace files and for capturing network traffic (filter expressions from tcpdump may be used).
Cocoa Packet Analyzer

Cocoa Packet Analyzer 0.54、軽いしCocoaなパケット解析ソフトだし、データはpcapなのでWireshark互換。簡単な状況を確認するぐらいならこれでよいかも。
あとキャプチャのみならばNetDumper 0.22で十分。キャプチャデータはリネームしないと上書きされるので注意。

Mac OS X network packet sniffer that dumps all packets to a file. Simple and plain without the overhead of any analyzer. Since it uses libPCAP it supports most expressions you are used from tcpdump.

Runs on Mac OS X 10.4 / 10.5, Universal Binary.
Free-/ Donationware!
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